Carrots, Coughs, & Constipation

I woke up this morning with a nasty sore throat and a stuffed up nose. I instantly began complaining. Why me? I have diligently taken my prenatals, probiotics, and Vitamin D and I still caught my daughter’s cold. Ugh.

Then I peered at my LO (little one). She takes one look at her father and she has a smile on her face. Despite the fact that she is in the midst of her first cold, has sneezed a zillion times over the last three days, coughed about half that, and hasn’t pooped for two days, she can still smile. I hug her gingerly and pop her in her stroller. We walk to Starbucks. All the while that I am seething over being sick, she is beaming. We walk in. I greet the other patrons with a sour puss, she smiles at the strangers with her funny, little beanie on. We get home, I place her in her high chair and feed her some carrots. She continues to smile even though I can tell she doesn’t feel very good. She loves the carrots and devours them with a grin on her face (as seen in the photo below). I know her throat is burning, her nose is being tickled, and her tummy is aching, but she’s still smiling.

What has my daughter’s beautiful, burgeoning soul taught me today? That there’s always a silver lining. I must appreciate the small stuff. There will always be nuisances to complain about. But, there will also always be things to be thankful for. Like carrots. And the ability to make my daughter smile.

I’ve never seen such enthusiasm over carrots.